
For free live clairvoyance without waiting, numerology is often a technique used. In fact, it consists of matching numbers to our last name, first names, and date of birth. These numbers will then be interpreted to provide omens.

The origins of numerology

If man has always been fascinated by numbers and used them in his predictions, in his stories and in his rituals.

Numerology as we know it today is ultimately a very recent technique. Indeed, it appeared in the United States at the beginning of the 20e century.

The two main types of numerology

Two main numerology techniques are currently used in free clairvoyance. There is the one with 22 numbers which takes its origins in the path of Kabbalah. But above all, there is 9-digit numerology, which is the best known and which is also called arithmancy.

Thus, the letters of the alphabet will be numbered from 1 to 9, respectively from A to I, then from J to R, and finally the last letters, that is to say from S to Z, will be numbered from 1 to 8. The first and last name will be reduced to a single digit. For example, Henry Dupont will become: (8+5+5+9+7) + (4+3+7+6+5+2) which gives 34 + 27 or 61 which we will reduce to 6+ 1 and therefore 7. The number 7 will define the character of the person.

We will do the same with only the first name, only the last name, consonants, vowels, date of birth, etc. For each person, the number obtained has a precise meaning.

There is a variation of this 9-digit numerology called recursive numerology. In this case the number obtained will be written in full and a figure will be calculated again. For example, Henry’s 34 will become thirty-four which gives: 2+9+5+5+2+5+8+3+1+2+9+5 or 56, and therefore 5+6 = 11 = 1 +1 = 2.