The site is a site accessible through the Internet open to any user. It is edited by the company Z Corp.

This site is hosted by the company Cognix :

The responsible publisher is Z Corp.

The navigation on the site is subject to the regulations in force as well as the conditions of use hereafter. Consequently by continuing the consultation of the site the user manifests his acceptance of the general conditions. The use of the website will be subject to the latest version of the general conditions available on the website at the time of its use.

Article 1. Subject: is a technical platform giving users the opportunity to get in touch with independent, totally independent advisers who offer clairvoyance, telephone or other services. The site is only a technical gateway, which means that advisers in clairvoyance who contact the user, have no relationship of subordination nor are providers of the site The site is not informed of the identity of the counselor who will contact the user and therefore has no control over it. On the other hand, does not give advice or consultation of clairvoyance. The site is limited to providing users with several advisers specialized in divination arts, whose qualifications and skills are previously assessed, tested and validated. The user agrees to be contacted including by email, phone or mobile. He is perfectly aware that the adviser in clairvoyance with whom he will come into contact has no legal, administrative or other relationship with the site The clairvoyance offers can be free or paid. They are written in a fictional way, for the purpose of entertainment. The names of the speakers listed on the site are purely fictitious, which the user recognizes.

The writing is a fictional staging of different situations likely to be encountered or interest users. These are fictional illustrations. As a technical intermediary between users and advisors, has no influence on the content of the consultation, which is provided by advisors under their sole responsibility. Similarly, assumes no responsibility in particular as to the quality of the services offered by counselors in clairvoyance, the comments and assessments provided by users, or the professional qualifications of advisers. can in no way be held responsible if a user should suffer any prejudice following a consultation provided by a counselor clairvoyance.

The services of clairvoyance can work in partnership with the site are the following, you can read their general conditions by clicking on the link:
- Telemac INC - ToU

$5 Welcome offer valid in the limit of 10 minutes, after validation of your customer account, which includes your first name, last name, telephone, address, email, and valid bank/credit card. After the first 10 minutes, the price is $3.50 to $9.50 per minute, depending on the psychic. The offer is limited to one time per customer account.

Article 2. Access to the site:

The site is exclusively reserved for natural persons of age according to the law in force in their country and in all cases over the age of 18, enjoying their full capacity of discernment and to contract . The publisher strives to allow access to the site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in case of force majeure or an event beyond the control of the publisher, and subject to possible failures and interventions maintenance required for the proper functioning of the site and the services. Therefore, neither the publisher nor the company Z Corp can guarantee a site availability and / or services, a reliability of transmissions and performance in terms of response time or quality. No technical assistance to the user is provided by electronic or telephone means. Users of the site are required to ensure the compatibility of their browser software with the site. The responsibility of the publisher and / or the company Z Corp can not be engaged in case of impossibility of access to this site and / or use of the services. In particular, the site provides the user with an online form system. This system is a faculty offered which does not engage the responsibility of the publisher in the event that, for any reason, the form would not have been taken into account. In addition, the publisher may be required to interrupt the site or part of the services, at any time without notice, all without entitlement to compensation. The user acknowledges and agrees that the publisher is not responsible for interruptions, and any consequences that may arise for the user or any third party. The responsibility of the publisher or that of the company Z Corp as defined in Article 3 below can in any case be questioned only for facts that find their cause exclusively in a system whose publisher or Z Corp have effective control which excludes all facts that originate upstream or downstream of the site including access to the Internet.

Article 3. Exemption from liability:

The publisher ensures the provision via the site of correct and up-to-date information and reserves the right to modify at any time the content of the site and to update it. However neither the publisher nor the company Z Corp can in no case be responsible for damages caused as a result of any data that is incorrect not updated or incomplete communicated via the site.

It is therefore strongly recommended to check the accuracy and relevance of the information and / or documents made available on this site. In particular the information and / or documents may have been updated between the time of their download and that where the user reads it.

The use of the information and / or documents available on this site is under the full and sole responsibility of the user who assumes all the consequences that may result without the responsibility of the publisher can be sought for this title and without recourse against the latter.

Neither Z Corp nor the publisher shall be held liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from the interpretation or use of the information and / or documents available on this site.

The publisher undertakes to implement all reasonable means at its disposal to enable users to make the best use of the services offered. The publisher like the company Z Corp are therefore bound only to an obligation of means and in no case to an obligation of result.

The publisher just like the Z Corp company respond only to his fraud and his gross fault.

The publisher like the company Z Corp are not responsible for the consultations provided by the LEDs and do not intervene in case of dispute between the latter and a user and do not guarantee in any way the satisfaction of the user as to the benefits lights. This implies that the user renounces to involve the publisher and / or the company Z Corp in any possible litigation that may arise from a consultation between himself and a seer. More generally can not be held to guarantee results regarding the services offered and / or used. In no case may the content of the consultations constitute legal, medical or psychological advice. Neither the publisher nor the company Z Corp can be held responsible for the consequences of circumstances beyond their control such as strikes, lockouts, wars, bad weather, etc., failures of computer systems or means of communication, or any other event constituting a case of force majeure. Users of the site undertake to immediately notify the publisher of any fraudulent use of the site and not to seek to harm the integrity or operation of the site.

Article 4. Privacy:

Any personal data communicated on the website are processed in accordance with the relevant national regulations. The user may be asked to provide certain data such as name, postal address, e-mail address, telephone, and other data, such as country and municipality of residence or any other information that the user will indicate through forms provided for this purpose. These data will only be processed for the purpose of benefiting from free or paid clairvoyance offers from the publisher or its partners, for the customer service of the publisher, its technical administration, so that it communicates with the user as part of marketing measures and to recommend to users services that may be of interest to them. The user consents to the publisher processing and using his personal data for advertising purposes to send him, including by e-mail, SMS or mail, marketing communications in the field of clairvoyance or otherwise. The collected data will not be used for other purposes and will not be stored in the systems of the site beyond the period necessary to achieve this objective. Data communication is optional but some tools on the site can only produce results if these data are provided. The publisher may nevertheless transmit this data to its employees as well as to state authorities or other third parties in accordance with the legal provisions. The IP address of the user's computer is automatically registered by the system. This information does not identify the user personally who remains anonymous, unless he himself provided data. The publisher takes all precautionary measures to ensure data security. However, it can not rule out all the risks associated with the use of the Internet. Thus, during the communication of the data, the user is aware that other users of the Internet may eventually be able to view this data. The site uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service offered by Google, Inc. Google Analytics uses cookies text files installed on your computer to help analyze how users visit the site. The information generated by the cookie about the use of the website (including your IP address) is transmitted and saved by Google on servers in the United States. Since the United States does not offer a level of protection of your data comparable to that guaranteed by European legislation in this area appropriate measures have been implemented to ensure the protection of your data.

Google uses the collected data to keep the publisher informed about how their website is used to write reports on website activity for website operators and to provide other services related to the website. website activity and internet use. Google may also under certain circumstances provide this information to third parties. Google will not combine the user's IP address with other data that Google has. The user can refuse the use of cookies by choosing the appropriate settings in his browser. We would like to emphasize that in this case the user will probably not be able to use all the possibilities of the website

We also use cookies independently of Google to personalize your experience and tailor it to your interests and preferences or simply to facilitate your connection to use the services. Most browsers are initially set to accept cookies. If you do not want to accept cookies you can set your computer to refuse cookies or alert you when cookies are saved. If you refuse to use cookies our ability to provide you with personalized services will be limited. Cookies can not be and will not be used to capture a person's email address obtain information from their hard drive or collect confidential or sensitive information about them. In addition cookies can not be read by a website other than the one that sets up the cookie.

In accordance with legal provisions the user has the right to access rectify verify and delete data concerning him.

To do so please send a written request to this address to the following address: and the publisher will modify and update its information accordingly.

Article 5. Intellectual Property

The content and presentation of the website (HTML or Flash pages fixed or automatically generated image files sounds videos brands logos etc.) are protected by intellectual rights owned by Z Corp unless otherwise indicated.

The database of is protected by the right of databases. Z Corp as the producer of the database has the right to prohibit the extraction and reuse of a substantial part of the database.

Users undertake to use the information and data available on the site only for their personal use. They undertake to make no direct or indirect use of it. They prohibit themselves in particular any reproduction adaptation modification or communication in any form and by any means whatsoever even for free and any reconstitution from the information and data obtained new files databases and other documents without the express written consent of Z Corp.

The commercial name and the logos that accompany it are the exclusive property of Z Corp. The information presented on this site can not in any way be interpreted as constituting or granting any license or authorization that allows the use in any way of trademarks which use requires the prior written consent explicit and explicit Z Corp company. The undue use of such marks is strictly prohibited. Z Corp will enforce its intellectual property rights worldwide in compliance with all applicable laws.

Article 6. Management of personal data:


This model will subsequently be supplemented by the information concerning the guidelines on the fate of personal data after death (article 32-I-6 ° of the law of 6 January 1978 as amended).

The information collected on this site is recorded in a file computerized by Z Corp to conduct prospecting / communication actions.

They are kept for 30 days if no solicitation on your part and are intended for our marketing department.

In accordance with the law "Informatique et Libertés" you can exercise your right of access to the data concerning you and have them rectified by sending an email to the address

Article 7. Hypertext links:

It is possible to create a link to the homepage of the site without the express permission of the publisher. No authorization or request for prior information may be required by the publisher for a site that wishes to establish a link to the publisher's site. However this site should be displayed in a new browser window. However the publisher reserves the right to request the deletion of a link that it deems non-compliant with the purpose of the site

The publisher has no power of verification and control over the creation of links to external sites and the content of said sites whether these sites are merchant or not.

The owners of sites consulted from the site are in particular solely responsible for compliance with all regulations applying in the context of the services offered online including laws and regulations relating to distance selling consumer protection misleading or deceptive advertising prices product conformity etc.

The attention of the user is drawn to the fact that the links towards these other resources make it leave the site Also the user accepts that his choice to access another site via a hypertext link is at his own risk.

Consequently any direct or indirect prejudice resulting from the access to a site connected by a hypertext link can not engage the responsibility of the publisher or the company Z Corp.

Article 8. Applicable law and competent courts:

Both this site and the terms and conditions of its use are governed by French law regardless of the place of use. In case of any dispute and after the failure of any attempt to find an amicable solution the courts of the city of Besançon will be competent to hear this dispute.