Love is something complex and cannot be calculated. It depends on two beings which makes each story different and unique. However, the art of divination can provide answers to your clairvoyance questions.

So you can know if you are with the right person, or how your love life will shape up in the coming months. This can be done on the internet, by free audiotel or by direct clairvoyance.

Don’t suffer anymore

While love can be beneficial, it can also make people unhappy and destructive. This is why it is important not to make the wrong choices. For this, clairvoyance is an effective solution.

Who never knows who loved him in secret, when he will find his soul mate. These free clairvoyance questions are frequently discussed topics.

It is therefore an additional asset to maximize your chances of being happy in love.

Like all other individuals, Taureans are people, whose success or failure, at the level of profession. To be able to get a glimpse of what the future holds for Taurus in the world of work, you must first know their characteristics.

Beneficial traits of Taurus for work

The tenacity and energy of the bull will be very useful to him to face everyday work. He will thus achieve his objectives without problem.

His sensitivity will allow him to add an important touch to his person. He will therefore be able to do humanitarian works. He has a knack for common benefit.

Taurus has very refined taste, aesthetics and passion. He will thus be able to find success in the world of gastronomy.

The determinism of this individual will allow him to be a good businessman or banker. He is a person of action and not of words. And he considers all possibilities before making an important decision.

Characteristics that can cause professional failure

When Taurus is unhappy with the results of his work, he can give way to uncontrollable nervousness. He can also be abject to people who hinder his authority.

He can sometimes be irresponsible. And this evasion of responsibility makes him a person who hates leading a team.

Taurus is too perfectionist, so he can spread bad humor around him if everyone doesn’t work the way he wants.

To find out more, you are offered a free consultation with a very reputable clairvoyant.

Westerners have their own zodiac just like Easterners. You are undoubtedly familiar with the Chinese horoscope, to find out more, read the following lines carefully.

Origins of Chinese Astrology

The source dates back thousands of years and the inventor was the sacred Buddha. In Chinese mythology, we talk about the competition organized by Buddha for animals to determine their rank in the Chinese horoscope. All animals were called to participate in the competition. Some were very cunning, but this did not succeed in fooling the master.

The Chinese horoscope has twelve signs including: the tiger, the rabbit, the dragon, the snake, the horse, the goat, the monkey, the rooster, the dog, the pig, the rat and the buffalo. Each sign returns every time 60 years pass.

As in the Western zodiac, each sign has unique traits and characters. The Chinese astrological sign depends on the period of birth including the year, month, date. 5 elements to mention: wood, fire, earth, Metal and Water also play an important role in the constitution of an individual’s profile.

Which one is yours ?

The interval presented by the calendar allows us to know our Chinese astrological sign. For example, a person born between January 23, 1974 and February 10, 1975 is under the sign of Tiger.

Its element is Yang Wood. The interval February 18, 1977 – February 6, 1978 corresponds to the snake whose element is Yin Fire. The Dog is the sign of people born between January 25, 1982 and February 12, 1983 with Water Yang as their element.

So to know your sign, you just need to find the interval containing your date of birth. Or speak directly and free with psychics.

Tarot, a game that is familiar to us, cards come to mind when we talk about it, some even think that it is cartomancy.

But it turns out it’s much more than that. The practice of Tarot, including reading the symbols, requires incredible celestial science. And only experts can do this translation.

History of Tarot

“Ludas Cartarum” was the first version (still unknown to the world) of the Tarot in 1377. He appeared in Germany and made a great impression with his impressive revelations concerning the world in its new aspect.

Around the sixteenth century, it was discovered that the tarot had its origins in an ancient Egyptian book called Thoth. The latter was the correspondent of Mercury it seems, and later invented ancient graphics. And it was deduced that the Tarot came from Egypt spread by the Gypsies.

Types of Tarot

We cannot say exactly how many variations there are, but what is certain is that there are more than a hundred. To name only the Dante Tarot, Picini, Comas, Basc, the Witches Tarot, the Karmic Tarot… the most famous are the William Blake Tarot, the Palladini Tarot, the Cat People Tarot, the Renaissance Tarot and the Tarot Rider-waite.

Let’s take some examples from the game. For example, we have the karmic tarot. The principle of the game is simply to draw the cards. It was created by Nicolas Conver in 1760.

The Rider-Waite Tarot is made up of 78 playing cards, including 56 traditional cards, 22 trump cards and the court card. They each correspond to a deity.

To discover this astrological science, free consultations are offered.

Feng-Shui (Wind – Water) has its origins in Ancient China. It is about creating the perfect environment for living and also for working. It can be referred to as an art or even a discipline transmitted from generation to generation in order to share its benefits with descendants.

In Chinese art, we have as a basis: Yin and Yang. We have seen this in the Chinese horoscope. Yin evokes opacity and phlegmatic unlike Yang which represents flame and illumination. Yin only has reason to exist with Yang and it is reciprocal. In fact, these two things complement each other.

This art considers that each matter, whether living or not, has an energy (Chi) which must be used to bring happiness to life.

What are the elements of Feng Shui?

We use Feng-Shui to channel positive energy into the place where we are for a more peaceful life. Yin and Yang: shadow and light complement each other with the 5 elements (Water, wood, fire, metal and earth).

These two representations are used in Feng-Shui to bring harmony and serenity to the home. Each element represents for Feng-Shui an essential principle for self-fulfillment.

Feng-Shui and colors

All colors represent energy in the environment. This is why Feng-Shui includes their use to achieve a specific goal. Take the example of the color green. Corresponding to the element of wood, green symbolizes harmony, serenity and opulence.

It brings expansion, joy and reason to the individual. It is more than beneficial to paint a child’s room green. On the contrary, red brings a lot of dynamism and energy. It is the color of intense and faithful love.