Superstition is a trait found in many people. Besides, there are few people who have no superstitions. Indeed, there are so many superstitions, from the most eccentric to the most common, that it is difficult not to be at least a little bit.

Different forms of superstition

It can be a superstition linked to numbers, animals, situations or objects. Clairvoyance sometimes uses these beliefs. If you are someone who is rather superstitious then you might be interested in free live clairvoyance.

Indeed, you will be able to talk with a person who will be able to interpret certain signs and events taking place in your life and see if they can influence your future or if they have no impact. Instead of worrying about nothing, come find answers to your questions thanks to clairvoyance.

Maybe you will find there an explanation for some of your superstitions or maybe, on the contrary, it will allow you to heal from certain beliefs which can sometimes make you miss certain opportunities or ruin your daily life. Online, by audiotel or live, the art of divination can help you.

The Snake and the Horse are Chinese astrological signs which each have their own specificity. They have as many qualities as faults.

The Snake and its characteristics

The Serpent’s life revolves around the word: mystery. He acts with conscience and expects nothing in return for the help he offers to those around him.

The Snake is a very determined person. His intelligence is the first thing that leads him to unparalleled success on all levels.

A Snake couple will live a harmonious life as long as the man takes care of his wife and she offers her husband the advantage of having a beautiful lady by his side. They will do very well as long as everyone contributes their partnership to avoid routine.

The effigy of the Horse

The horse is a sign of Yang polarity, it is an element of Fire. He tends to lead everything around him. He is a first-class egoist and his pride is one of his ugly faults. Which sometimes leads him to want to do everything himself without wanting help from others even if he finds himself in a delicate situation.

The Horse is a high-speed animal, so the individual of this sign shows great dynamism in everything he does. He is not afraid to face head on the problems that arise in his life.

On a romantic level, the Horse shows absolute simplicity. He doesn’t like complicated things. The male individual, unlike the woman, can be proud of people who do not give him the attention he thinks he deserves from them.

During a free interview, you will discover the multiple faces of these signs.

Mainly used in horoscopes and free clairvoyance, but not only that, astrological signs are very present in other sectors of clairvoyance and very important.

They make it possible to provide precise data based on the person’s profile and in particular their date of birth. There are several varieties of astrology signs from different cultures. Let’s take a closer look at them.

The Greek zodiac

The Greek zodiac signs are the ones we know the most.

There are twelve of them and they overlap the different months of the year: Aquarius (January 21 to February 19), Pisces (February 20 to March 20), Aries (March 21 to April 20), Taurus (April 21 to May 21). ), Gemini (May 22 to June 21), Cancer (June 22 to July 22), Leo (July 23 to August 22), Virgo (August 23 to September 22), Libra (September 23 to October 22), Scorpio (23 October to November 22), Sagittarius, (November 23 to December 21), Capricorn (December 22 to January 20).

The natural elements at the heart of the signs of the zodiac

These 12 signs of the zodiac are grouped through 4 major elements of nature:

  • – Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
  • – Water: cancer, scorpion, fish
  • – Earth: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo
  • – Air: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini

Likewise, 10 stars and planets of our system are also associated:

  • – Sun: Leo
  • – Moon: cancer
  • – Mercury: Gemini-Virgo
  • – Venus: Taurus-Libra
  • – Mars: Aries-Scorpio
  • – Jupiter: Sagittarius-Pisces
  • – Saturn: Capricorn-Aquarius
  • – Uranus: Aquarius
  • – Neptune: Pisces
  • – Pluto: Scorpio

According to each sign correspond character traits defining a relatively broad profile. Added to this is what we call the Ascendant. These are even more precise traits which will be defined according to the sign of the zodiac, but also according to the time and place of birth.

For example, one can be Aries ascendant Gemini, which is distinguished from Aries ascendant Capricorn. This therefore provides significantly more precision for free clairvoyance questions.

The link between astrology and astronomy is total since clairvoyants and other mediums do not hesitate to rely on the planets to give clues to their clients. Find out everything you need to know about the planets and astrology.

Of mystery and truths

While astronomy only deals with the planets as celestial bodies, astrology relies on them to interpret their visions regarding the astrological signs of the zodiac. Concretely, each planet and each interpretation is a guide for the lives of people wondering about their future. Psychics have the ability to read each event in order to have data to disclose.

Astrology is mainly based on 10 planets in order to have a 100% astrological perspective. Let’s not forget that in the term “Astrological”, there is “Star”, that is to say the planets, and, “Logic”. As a reminder, clairvoyants therefore consult the sun, the moon, pluto, mars, neptune, uranus, saturn, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury.

The particularities of each planet

It is important to emphasize that each planet has its personality and influence when it comes to astrology. Clearly, each planet has an impact on the lives of individuals, and psychics can analyze this to extract key information.

By studying the planets, and in relation to the astrological signs, during a free live clairvoyance, you could know your objectives and especially the behaviors to adopt to achieve them. Since each planet has an impact on other celestial bodies, and each person has their history and a fixed astrological sign, the possibilities are endless.

The link between the planets and the horoscopes are therefore obvious, and there are numerous influences that can be exerted on a person. During a session of live clairvoyanceeverything is analyzed to answer unanswered questions.

Suitability between planets and zodiac signs

Thus, the Sun is the star of Leo, in the same way as the Moon is that of Cancer, Mercury that of Gemini and Virgo. Venus impacts Taurus and Libra, Mars impacts Aries and Scorpio, Jupiter impacts Sagittarius, Saturn impacts Capricorn, Uranus impacts Aquarius, Neptune impacts Pisces, and Pluto impacts Scorpio.

General information about Cancer

Cancer refers to the sign of people born between June 22 and July 22. It is influenced by the lunar star and is part of the Water triplicity. Cancer symbolism expresses the alliance of the spiritual realm and the half moon of love.

Very sentimental, Cancer has a particular affection for the family circle. He is jealous of those close to him and will do anything to protect them. Having a conservative spirit, he will bring this ideology to light within his home.

The love he has for his family and for the material will make him a realistic and sentimental individual at the same time.

Being able to have an eventful youth, Cancer will find infallible stability later in life.

Cancer likes to live in luxury and comfort. He also places a lot of importance on the physical things around him.

Cancer will find happiness with a partner of the same sign, a Scorpio or a Pisces. The other signs could present a little doubt for perfect marital harmony.

Sign Preferences

Like every individual, Cancer leans towards particular things. And most of the time, these objects that he cares about bring him good luck.

He likes receiving gifts like kitchen utensils. He loves everything about interior design. Class and originality will be the key words of his taste.

Silver, Ruby and Onyx are the materials that bring him luck.

Cancer has a particular preference for the fall season. He likes the traditional recipes of his country of origin.

What are Cancer’s faults?

Like any human being, Cancer is not perfect. Too emotional and sometimes capricious, Cancer can harm those around them. His difficulty in making decisions, his shyness and his unconsciousness could cause discomfort around him.

Speaking with a clairvoyance expert can be done free of charge.