1voyancegratuite, author on 1 Free Clairvoyance – Page 2 of 9

1voyancegratuite, author on 1 Free Clairvoyance – Page 2 of 9

In its nature, Fire shares heat and light with those around it. The signs that come together under its governance are: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

The enthusiasm of Fire

A particular character to this element. He has a special joie de vivre. Thus influencing its signs, Fire makes them passionate, idealists and confidants. Most of the time, the fire remains stable, but at a certain point, it causes flames to arise that burn itself and can also reach others.

In its daily life, Fire is always one step ahead of the others. He manages to guess the future with only few resources. This speed causes him to miss details that may be important. And even if it were something that could trigger an unexpected turn in his life, the Fire can miss it because of this burning sensation that is fueling him.

No to machinery

Fire hates routine, repetitions, it tends to lean towards novelties, discoveries and the exploration of new things. Risk-taking is present at every step that Fire takes.

And in case these attempts turn into disaster, he knows how to manage and cope with them. He knows how to protect himself from his actions, but he may not know how to defend himself against the offenses of those around him.

Regarding alliances

Fire can adapt very well and live with the other elements. In the company of the Earth, for example, he can establish a relationship based on zeal and thus achieve objectives together. A Fire-Fire relationship could show an incomparable harmony due to the mutual respect of these two individuals.

With Water, Fire could found a relationship based on Reason. And finally Fire and Water will never go together without mutual understanding. To avoid encountering unexpected situations, consulting a psychic will be very beneficial and will cost nothing.

The life path is a postulate for all people who are directly or indirectly interested in the afterlife and clairvoyance. The life path is regulated by a very precise system where certain specific stones are important. Here’s everything you need to know about this key subject linked to astrology.

8 stones in a life path

First of all, it is important to point out that the life path is composed of 8 stones. These are all linked to the balance of the person, namely personality, expression, the history of their ancestors or even wishes.

Thus, each stone aims to allow the person to flourish, but they must first be identified in order to move forward better. The base stone evokes the elders, and it is obtained by a calculation linked to the first letters of the first and last name.

Likewise, the personality stone concerning the harmony and psychological aspect of the person. In this case, it involves the addition of the consonants in order to know which stone is concerned.

Also, the so-called summit stone concerns the person’s spirituality and their ability to achieve their goals. In this case, you must add the last letters of the first and last name.

In short, each of the 8 stones has a calculation method to know the stone in question. In the end, a real life path is offered to people who have taken the time to carry out its simple calculations.

A true guide for one’s life

The path of life is therefore a path that allows you to chart your course while making the right decisions. Depending on the calculations, the stone in question can be a quartz, an emerald, a hematite, a topaz or even a pearl. there are over 33 stones existing as part of the life path.

To better identify them and make the best decisions, it is strongly recommended to be accompanied by a psychic during a free session. She will be able to guide you in demarcating this very important path which will bring lucidity, relevance and many good decisions.

One of the techniques of clairvoyance consists of reading omens using cards. When she uses Tarot cards, it is called taromancy or tarology, which is therefore a form of cartomancy.

Within taromancy itself, we distinguish different processes, different methods. This is what we will detail in this informative article. The goal is that you can choose the free fortune telling method that suits you.

Gypsy Tarot, from Marseille and the Middle East

The Gypsy tarot: Gypsies are great practitioners of clairvoyance. This form of tarot consists of 36 cards. This clairvoyance is used for most major areas such as love, money, work, etc. The Gypsies were the first to introduce cartomancy in Europe.

The Marseille tarot: among the best-known divinatory tarots, there is the one called the Marseille tarot. We owe it to Court de Gebelin. This taromancy is defined by 22 compositions which go from I to XXI plus a last one which does not contain any number, but corresponds to the number zero. Each card has a meaning indicated by a word.

The Hebrew tarot: it is relatively close to the Marseille tarot. However, it uses the Hebrew alphabet and is particularly inspired by Kabbalah.

Angels, Astrology and Etteila

The guardian angels tarot: it allows you to answer a very specific question relating to finances, work, love or health. It is broken down into three elements: form (material world), creation (social relationships), paradise (spiritual).

The astrology tarot: less known than other forms of taromancy, it is a form of Marseille tarot using the planets and constellations to obtain omens.

The Etteilla tarot: Jean-François Alliette is a mathematics teacher from the 18e century. He imagined two forms of taromancy: the Grand Etteilla and the Petit Etteilla. The first, also called the Egyptian tarot, is made up of 78 cards, while the second includes 33 cards.

Indira’s Persian tarot: it is made up of 56 cards and allows you to provide precise answers about love, money, and work.

The Oswald Wirth tarot: it is based on alchemy and is made up of 22 cards. Its interpretation is therefore different from classic tarot cards like that of Marseille.

The tarot deck of 32 cards: taromancy can also be done with a classic deck of 32 cards and the figures we know: jack, king, queen, etc. Each of them having a very specific meaning.

Emotion is the main reason why people come to consult a psychic. As much as other areas can be improved through work and controlled efforts, love and everything related to affect sometimes requires external lighting. As such, Valentine’s Day is a key date for many people.

Love in the air

Whether people are in a relationship or single, everyone needs certainty when it comes to love. The emotional has too much impact on personal life and sometimes on professional life. This is why a session of free clairvoyance linked to love is always a big plus for making the right decisions. The spell can hold many surprises and it is always nice to know how to better protect yourself, or better open your chakras.

During Valentine’s Day, this need is even more felt, because everyone around them celebrates this holiday. Also, Valentine’s Day is a key moment to formalize a relationship, give it dimension (marriage proposal for example) or ask the right questions. Couples want to know if the story will last, and singles want to do everything possible to find their soul mate.

Positive vibes to capture Cupid

On Valentine’s Day, the vibes must be positive in order to attract Cupid’s favors. In this momentum, free clairvoyance can be a powerful ally so that the stars come to the aid of those most in need. Clairvoyance is there to provide answers and guide choices to achieve objectives, or sometimes, to get out of delicate situations.

The messages delivered during a free clairvoyance session live are often clear and clear. The clairvoyant ensures that there is no possibility of interpretation. Singlehood is a nice time, but it can’t last forever. Life is meant to be shared by two people and clairvoyance can be an answer.

The position of the stars in space was translated by the ancients as a mirror of the life of each living being on this planet.

This is how astrology was created. The latter is composed of four elements: Air, Water, Fire and Earth. The structural elements of the physical world. Present in every form of terrestrial life, these four elements each have their own character and influence on individuals.

The twelve astrological signs are well balanced by these four triplicities. And each of these signs is unique.

The Earth element: the solid

This triplicity brings together the following astrological signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. In the order of the Zodiac, Earth follows Fire. Realistic, these people can adapt to all situations.

The element Air: gas

Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are the components of this element. Air ranks third in the Zodiac. Their intelligence is the basis of their entire life. Air signs can rhyme with all people. Objectivity is also an asset of these people and this could lead to their lack of feeling.

The Water element: the liquid

The signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are of the element of Water. Individuals are distinguished by the emotion and sensitivity of their being. Trusting their instincts, Water signs are very open-minded.

The Fire element: plasma

We find the signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius included in this element. Hot-tempered individuals, they are in a good mood most of the time. They are charismatic and radiant. Overflowing with dynamism, Fire signs like to conquer new things.

Explore the details with a free interview with a subject matter expert.

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