Chinese Horoscope: The Snake and the Horse

The Snake and the Horse are Chinese astrological signs which each have their own specificity. They have as many qualities as faults.

The Snake and its characteristics

The Serpent’s life revolves around the word: mystery. He acts with conscience and expects nothing in return for the help he offers to those around him.

The Snake is a very determined person. His intelligence is the first thing that leads him to unparalleled success on all levels.

A Snake couple will live a harmonious life as long as the man takes care of his wife and she offers her husband the advantage of having a beautiful lady by his side. They will do very well as long as everyone contributes their partnership to avoid routine.

The effigy of the Horse

The horse is a sign of Yang polarity, it is an element of Fire. He tends to lead everything around him. He is a first-class egoist and his pride is one of his ugly faults. Which sometimes leads him to want to do everything himself without wanting help from others even if he finds himself in a delicate situation.

The Horse is a high-speed animal, so the individual of this sign shows great dynamism in everything he does. He is not afraid to face head on the problems that arise in his life.

On a romantic level, the Horse shows absolute simplicity. He doesn’t like complicated things. The male individual, unlike the woman, can be proud of people who do not give him the attention he thinks he deserves from them.

During a free interview, you will discover the multiple faces of these signs.