Some secrets about the horoscope

Elements and properties are two different things in any domain. On the zodiac plane, the horoscopic elements are represented by Earth, Air, Water and Fire.

Regarding properties, they classify the 12 signs into three categories: cardinal signs, fixed signs and movable signs. They also influence the signs.

Of these different kinds of rulers, each sign has a unique character. It doesn’t matter if they are influenced by the same element, each sign is unique.

The cardinal signs

Aries, Cancer and Libra are the cardinal signs of the Western horoscope. Each of these signs designates the beginning of a season.

The greatest faults of these individuals are: selfishness, exaggerated demands and obstinacy. These people have the caricature of leaders. In fact, they have great determination. They are overflowing with projects and carry them out until they achieve total success.

Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius: the fixed signs

These people have strong character. They attach a certain importance to tradition. Fixed signs can overcome every obstacle in their life without any problem. They master each other perfectly in all situations.

They have perseverance and like to work alone to go straight to victory.

Mobile signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces

These signs are between the seasons. They are indecisive and are easily influenced by those around them. This is why mobile signs are called duplicative signs. But these individuals have adaptation as their major asset! They thus progress quickly within the company.

For more information, take advantage of the free consultation offered with a psychic.